Saturday, March 31, 2007

The Real David Gray

Nearly eleven months ago, Em's birthday was celebrated in Croyde and although I couldn't make the trip I heard lots about it. Richard will no doubt remember it for picking up a knee injury just before the start of the triathlon season (jumping over sand dunes, by all accounts).

I had also heard a lot about David Gray's performance, which had been captured on camera by Bruce. Apparently the plan was to send it to Jonny, clearly his number one fan.

Low and behold, well within a year of the event, I can now provide the footage...

By the way, if David's face looks rather wide it's because the video was shot in portrait and I had to rotate it before uploading it, however Youtube decided to stretch it out to fit their window.

Mind you he was pretty tubby back then too...

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Relief... Success!

I'm sure I've said this many times before, but Friday's Breakout really was the best yet. Firstly, Bevan and I turned an empty front-bar dancefloor into this...

And then the Taxman created havoc in the back room...

The bass really was quite ridiculous...

Needless to say, I didn't need to make that trek to the cashpoint. There's plenty more pics on the Breakout blog, by the way.

I had some more music related good news today, but at the opposite end of the spectrum. One of my downtempo tracks, 'Paranoid Culture' was played on Unfortunately there is no direct link to the show, but if anyone's interested in having a listen it's pretty easy to find. You just have to scroll down the show-list until you find a little pink box with "BTR Downtime - Wednesday 21st March" written in it...and give it a click.

Just when I thought things were coming together, I've been struck down with man-flu.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Breakout Tomorrow

I realise that most readers have probably never heard of the Taxman, but believe it or not he's pretty massive in the drum'n'bass world and we've spent a small fortune in putting this night on. One day before the event I'm feeling very nervous about how it will pan out, but then I always do at this stage. I still fear the day that we don't take enough to pay the DJ's. It hasn't happened yet, and hopefully it never will.

I found out today that my insurance has doubled as a result of that kid nicking Beverley on my birthday, and last week Beverley 2 cost me £170 to MOT.

Needless to say as a student on a health-care assistant wage I can't afford to cover any Breakout losses!

Last month's 'Ladies Night' was good fun, although Bevan and I got a lot of stick from the punters who wanted drum'n'bass, as Dutty Girl were playing hip-hop until 2am. I even got approached by an angry lady, who looked me square in the eye and told me that if the drum'n'bass didn't start soon she would "..come back and get me".

Thankfully DJ Dazee arrived and it 'kicked off'. I spotted that same lady on the dancefloor and shouted "drum'n'bass!" at her very loudly. She nodded politely but looked baffled, as if she had never seen me before in her life, and walked away. At least she didn't come back and get me, I suppose.

Anyway, as you can see, spring came early on Stokes Croft this year...

Monday, March 05, 2007

Sexy Mild Man

As Ben has already mentioned on his new blog, his birthday hilarities did not end with some over-exuberant pancake tossing. Having devoured the offending pancake (despite multiple viewings of the video that clearly showed it ended up on the floor), Ben set about submitting an entry for me on ''. My protestations were futile.

Now I should say at this point that if anyone is easily offended, or under eighteen, I apologise unreservedly for this brief lapse in my blog's cleanliness standards, and highly recommend not reading any of the text in the following screenshots...

With a profile like that, I obviously wasn't expecting any replies, especially when Ben attached the now infamous 'toothless chav' photo as my profile image.

It came as a bit of a shock when I received the following message within a couple of hours...

Just from looking at sitzoop's profile image I could tell she was a shy girl. I did however get suspicious that she hadn't actually looked at my profile, when she said she hoped to meet my needs. I would have thought that Ben had stated my 'needs' in no uncertain terms.

Anyway, much to my amazement the replies kept coming. Jill had clearly gone to a lot of effort with her profile image...

I wonder if that's her husband's arm, just creeping into frame? Next...

To be honest uterbec, I'm pretty sleepy most of the time myself. Next...


And finally, la Pièce de résistance...

So, what do you reckon? Should I reply to any of them?