Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Sam & Moe's departure

I have to admit that I am beginning to regret buying that huge camera, especially as my tatty (yet pocket sized) Nikon died within a month of the purchase. I have just reviewed my photos of Sam & Moe's leaving drinks (part one in Bristol, and part two in Southampton), and they are hopelessly inadequate. In fact, the only evidence I could find of Sam's last night in Bristol was nine photos taken at the same time using my mobile's 'best pic' function, which did at least provide quite a nice effect when stuck together...

Needless to say it was a fun night, and it's surprising how well the drunkenness comes across that 'video'.

I'm afraid I didn't do much better in Southampton for part two - with not a single photo of the night's events to speak of. For this I apologise, but trust that it was also a great night out. The pained hungover expressions on Ben & Jess' faces the following morning speak for themselves...

Amusingly for us, Sam manage to injure himself on a clothes horse while getting out of bed in the morning. This will have given him the perfect excuse to moan about something throughout his three weeks in SE Asia on route to Sydney. All I can say is: Moe, our thoughts were with you. If you look very closely you might notice a slightly purple looking little toe...

Obviously we put a lot of thought into their leaving gifts, and felt it was important to come up with something original and not just an exact replica of the gifts given to Jonny & H. After a lot of consideration we completely failed to think of an original idea, so I wrote another musical medley and Em baked the novelty cake.

Unfortunately Em forgot to consider that once the blue section of the cake had been removed and eaten, Sam & Moe were left with two novelty cakes, that would probably not be found on the shelves of Sainsbury's, lets say.

How we chuckled.

Bye Bye Sam & Moe - we'll miss you indeed.


At 3:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chris helped me make the cake. funny how he didn't mention the 'novelty cake' factor....

At 10:24 am, Blogger Jonny said...

I am loving the David Gray head-wobble in the video.


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