Sexy Mild Man
As Ben has already mentioned on his new blog, his birthday hilarities did not end with some over-exuberant pancake tossing. Having devoured the offending pancake (despite multiple viewings of the video that clearly showed it ended up on the floor), Ben set about submitting an entry for me on ''. My protestations were futile.
Now I should say at this point that if anyone is easily offended, or under eighteen, I apologise unreservedly for this brief lapse in my blog's cleanliness standards, and highly recommend not reading any of the text in the following screenshots...

With a profile like that, I obviously wasn't expecting any replies, especially when Ben attached the now infamous 'toothless chav' photo as my profile image.
It came as a bit of a shock when I received the following message within a couple of hours...
Just from looking at sitzoop's profile image I could tell she was a shy girl. I did however get suspicious that she hadn't actually looked at my profile, when she said she hoped to meet my needs. I would have thought that Ben had stated my 'needs' in no uncertain terms.
Anyway, much to my amazement the replies kept coming. Jill had clearly gone to a lot of effort with her profile image...
I wonder if that's her husband's arm, just creeping into frame? Next...
To be honest uterbec, I'm pretty sleepy most of the time myself. Next...
And finally, la Pièce de résistance...
So, what do you reckon? Should I reply to any of them?
Its got to be the spunk in the frying pan girl!!!
classy bird
Do you honestly think Andy would make it out alive after a date with the last one?
Haha, that is brilliant. As I slowly scrolled down the screen I thought you were just going to get one reply, most probably from Ben who would've set up another account.
But to have 5!! And each of them so random.
You have to reply to the frying pan one.....that was a "laugh out loud at the laptop" moment.
Good work Ben for setting the ball rolling (and update your own blog!) - now will Andy continue to keep in touch? I hope so.
are there not two "g"'s in "veggies"?
Good lord. I think I'd perchance go for the "wants to try it dirty" one...
I'm sure there's a joke there about bodily fluids bird tossing pancakes into her face....but can't quite put my finger on it.
That is funny as fuck
I think u should invite them all to breakout-blinddate, with hilarious results!
I wasnt joking about the bodily fluids ... this was supposed to be private sexymildman, i cant believe you shared it with the whole world .. i thought we had something special :(
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