Ben's Birthday Pancakes
Mr Ben McGuinness turned the barely youthful age of 29 late last week, and to celebrate we had a traditional Bristol night out...
We met at the Watershed at about 10:00 and drunk at a very fast pace until midnight when they called time.
Bruce took the taste test and promptly gave it a resounding 'thumbs-up'
With four pancakes devoured, Em suggested I film her attempting a 'high toss', seemingly determined to give me some top notch material for this blog. I don't think any of us anticipated that the idea would provide such comedy footage as this...
Just in case anyone can't watch that due to company firewalls, or something, you can view it here (presuming your firewalls don't also block youtube). It's well worth it!
Happy birthday Button!
Happy Birthday Benny!
And that video is well funny, good work.
The kitchen looks the same Andy, but some middle room footage is called for. It looks like you may have moved some of the furniture around in the last year but I guess the rocking chair still takes pride of place?
It sounds like traditional Bristol night out hasn't changed much either.....
Oh, and congratulations on another webcast. You on for a hatrick this week?
Gets funnier every time I watch it!
Can't believe Ben ate the pancake, not sure even Sam would apply the 3 second rule to something that had been on your kitchen floor.
Jonny think they have a new sofa too...
Yeah, Happy B'Day Button!
That video is pretty good as well.
You gotta love the trad bristol night as well!
Thanks for a great weekend y'all!
Em, that pancake spent more time on your face than it did on the floor. I only know because it was caked in make up. Still, it tasted just fine.
And if I remember Sam doesn't just apply the three second rule for floors, he also applies the 10 minute rule for dustbins.
It was good to have a Brizzle night out, even if it was slightly scaled down.
That video is friggin hilarious - i watched it in work and laughed so hard that snot came out of my nose !
Im surprised ive still got a job.
Happy Bday Benjamin
Thats charmin will..what a shame you didn't catch that on video :)
Think Sam actually applies the overnight rule to dustbins....if its still there in the morning its fair game.
Haha that's fuckin funny - right on the face... Nice one sis. I've eaten some filthy shit in my time but there's no way I would've eaten that :)
Nearly forgot...Happy Birthday Benny! Sorry I couldn't make it down.
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