Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Chilling in three days time...

Ever since Breakout's birthday flop back in June, which completely wiped out my somewhat limited savings, I had ruled out any chance of a holiday or festival this year. You can imagine my bitter envy when constantly skint Breakout co-promoter Bevan managed to blag himself a free ticket to this forthcoming weekend's Big Chill festival, when Massive Attack's Daddy G asked his girlfriend Rosie if she would be able to go and look after his kids for the weekend.

Yesterday I decided to email the Big Chill organisers as I'd been advised they still had some jobs going. To cut a long story short, I am now the king blagger! In exchange for two eight-hour shifts selling car-parking tickets, which will be done and dusted by 6pm on the Friday (well in time for the Cinematic Orchestra, Kruder & Dorfmeister, DJ Marky etc), I have managed to secure myself a weekend pass valued at £135.

But wait - there's more...

I even get paid for the work! £80 cash in hand to see me through the rest of the festival.


Of course, with any great piece of news like that there has to be a downside. Mine poses quite a significant problem. Basically the final piece of work for my qualification is due in on Tuesday - the day after my return.

The sensible thing to do would be to contact the organisers and explain that I won't be able to go after all. However, I have decided to go for the far less sensible option of writing a four thousand word assignment, from scratch, in the next two days before I leave.

This does mean that I won't have time to blog about the Bristol Boat Regatta for another week or so - but it should be a good one. Meanwhile, I am trying to finish writing this before I go to bed so that I can concentrate on my assignment, and then chill (big-style) for the weekend, safe in the knowledge that I have not let this blog slip to a three-weekly update.

It's now 2am and I fear I am starting to ramble, so I shall finish by posting a link to my latest tune - a remix of Bob Marley & the Wailer's 'Nice Time'. I've got my fingers crossed for this one - in fact I sent it to Aries a few days ago and he was impressed but said he couldn't afford to clear Bob Marley samples on his label - however he said he would send it round a few bootleg labels for me, and separately from that last week's Breakout smash 'the Upfull Rockers' are already in the process of remixing it...

Morph vs. Marley - Nice Time [07-2007].mp3



At 9:13 am, Blogger RJL said...

Nice one Andy! Come on then, how much progress have you made on the essay?

At 11:09 am, Blogger Jonny said...

Yeah, I wanna know as well. Odds on that you leave it to Monday night.

I guess it explains why you didn't respond to all my Ashton Court questions.

I'll download the tune now and add it to my collection.

Enjoy the festival.

At 12:12 pm, Blogger Andy said...

Well, it's 1pm and I'm almost ready to get started. I've had the sneaky idea of copying chunks from previous assignments - reckon i can get away with that? Plagarising myself?

Sorry no response to the Ashton Court questions - i did intend to and will do so later today.

Somehow even I don't think i can leave 4000 words til Monday night, especially after being at a festival for the weekend. No doubt I'll have a large chunk to finish off though. It will be worth it!

At 11:28 am, Blogger RJL said...

So then, how is it going Andy? You sweating on it now?

At 9:24 am, Blogger Jonny said...

What's the latest? Did you manage to copy yourself? Did you meet the deadline? Have you even come back from The Big Chill? Did you Chill? Are do you now feeling chilled?

At 2:00 am, Blogger Andy said...

Well boys, that's a No to Rich and five Yes's to Jonny.

With a little bit of help from, urm... myself, and a lot of waffle, I managed to finish that 4000 words off (bar three references) in time for my weekly footy game on the Wednesday night before the festival. I couldn't even be bothered to look at it last night on my return (knowing that it would be a monstrosity), but I finished those three references off and got it handed in this-afternoon, with a healthy half-an-hour to spare.

So, probably my last student summer ever is finally here - although I will still have to spend a fair amount of it at my computer with the boat regatta/big chill blogs to get written.

Then there's Ben's X-Box 360 to think about now too...

At 10:57 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Student summers rule...


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