10 things you've missed from the U.K.
Just in case any of our overseas friends are missing the UK, I have compiled a list of ten things that they will have missed out on this year, by being away. The idea of this blog was to help ease any feelings of homesickness they might have, by:
a) letting them know what they've missed, and
b) helping them to realise that they really haven't missed much at all.
In fact, at first it was a real struggle to think of ten things worth mentioning, but I got there in the end. Obviously this list is by no means definitive, for example I could have mentioned the end of "Top of the Pops", or even our English players' dismal failures at Wimbledon this year, but then I think you would have taken that one for granted.
So, in no particular order...
1. Brunel's 200th birthday
I actually missed this as well as I was in Germany, but there was a big Bristol City Council style party on the fields near Cumberland Basin, when they unveiled the new Clifton Suspension Bridge lights with a fireworks display. I'm quite gutted I missed it, as it looks pretty spectacular. The lights are still on for the time being, and look lovely from the turning of Aubrey Road onto Chessel Street on my way to the offy.
2. Prescott's affair and the fall of the Labour PartyYes, as shocking as it may seem, John 'two Jags' Prescott had an affair with his secretary. In fact, he might have had two, allegedly, and commenters have now labelled the current Labour party as "more sleazy" than John Major's Conservative era in the early 90's. On top of that, the media are making a mockery of Tony Blair's leadership, and his mistake of announcing that he will stand down before the next election, by constantly asking him when it's going to happen.
Blair himself is also getting a lot of stick at the moment for refusing to say the magic words "immediate ceasefire" to Israel. Apparently he wants to wait until there are grounds for a lasting peace in the Middle East before making that request. Meanwhile, Syria have now said they are ready for war. It seems that we may be waiting for some time.
Anyway, enough of the politics. Don't know what came over me. Moving on to more serious matters...
3. Big Brother
Big brother seven is well underway, and I must confess that after holding off for a good few weeks, I am now hopelessly addicted, yet again. I'm really not sure why, as out of all of these losers Glyn and Pete are the only ones that make me laugh, and it's not like either of them are comedians.
Glyn is funny because he's a young naive lad from the valleys, who sounds like a Welsh Forest Gump. He had a great moment last week while drunk and slumped over the diary room chair, when he held his finger up behind him towards the camera, and said "Oo pull my finger". He then farted, and laughed. Great TV.
Brighton boy Pete is funny because of his tourettes syndrome. You can guarantee that he'll shout "Wank!" at the top of his voice, just after Davina has finished saying "You are live on channel 4 - please do not swear." He really needs to be seen to understand just how funny he is, so check out some legendary Pete from earlier in the series, when he discusses some of the other (now evicted) housemates, including Leah who claims to have the biggest breasts in England.
4. Everyone moaning about the cold in March/April
Well, it was fucking freezing.
5. Everyone moaning about the heat in June/July
Yet again the nation is crumbling under a prolonged spell of hot weather. The railway lines are starting to warp out of shape, and fights have broken out in department stores for the last fans as they sell out nationwide, again. Also, the gritters have been out in July, not because there was ice, but because the tarmac was starting to melt.
Why is it that other countries can manage in hot or cold climates, but we can't cope with either, even though we get both extremes?
This year's show of patriotism during the World Cup was bigger than ever before. I even saw a house in Bishopsworth painted with a huge St. George's Cross. In July, car flags were the new litter, lining the hard shoulders of motorways up and down the nation.
7. The Honda advert
Honda cashed in on the World Cup fever with a tongue in cheek version of their "Power of Dreams" advert, where some dude sings a song while travelling on increasingly powerful modes of transport. The original advert was great on it's own, especially the climactic scene which features the stunning Iguacu falls (written about by both J and H). This version is the same, except that the aforementioned St. George's Cross World Cup flags are everywhere.
8. Probably the best World Cup advert
While I'm on the subject of adverts, I have to mention the Carlsberg advert. It got my vote for being the best of all the World Cup adverts (and of course, there were many)
You don't need me to tell you that this was terrible stuff. Hosted by a pregnant Davina and a drunk Chris Moyles, it featured sportsmen trying to be funny and comedians trying to play sports. The highlight was Ray Stubbs getting pummelled with thousands of bouncy balls in a re-enactment of the Sony Bravia advert. Apparently, for that advert they really did drop 170,000 bouncy balls down the hills of San Francisco. Shame it looks like they're super-imposed.
Unfortunately, I couldn't find any footage of Ray Stubbs' pummelling, but I did come across this brilliant English parody. Could that be Beverley parked at the bottom of the hill?
10. Eurovision Song Contest
Finally, this years Eurovision was undoubtedly the best ever. It was pretty much the same as it is every year: an overproduced, badly presented pile of tosh being mocked by an increasingly tipsy Terry Wogan. The U.K.'s pathetic effort did nothing to upset that balance, and just as I was beginning to wonder why on Earth I was watching it, up stepped the Finnish entry...
Lordi were revolutionary. Their song, Rock & Roll Hallelujah, is a piece of Genius.
With lyrics like:
"The walls come down like thunder,
The rocks about to roll,
It's The Arockalypse,
Now bare your soul."
Or my favourite, from the pre-chorus:
"All we need is lightning,
With power and might,
Striking down the prophets of false."
Chew, Ali and myself loved it. Amazingly, the rest of Europe agreed, and Finland romped it.
The three of us cranked up the stereo surround and sang along at the tops of our voices for the repeat of their triumphant performance...
Well, for a start it's a good job I have got plenty of time on my hands as that took some time getting through that blog. But it was worth it. Great work Andy, great work.
Ok, some thoughts on your top 10.
1) Brunels b'day. Looked amazing. Would have loved to have seen it. Just a shame they had to turn the lights off so far ahead of the big day. Probably to build suspense but more than likely so as to save money on the lecky bill and put towards the fireworks.
2) Labour Party stuff. Couldn't give a shite.
3) BB. As you well know I have been addicted over the years, much to H's disgust. The latest Aussie series started as soon as we arrived here but I made sure I avoided it for fear of it taking over my life (although Australian Idol started on Sunday and it has been quality. Last night a kid trashed the judges desk and I thought he was gonna get chinned. It isn't on You Tube yet though). Anyway, that Pete guy is class. Is he real? His the first guy with Tourette's I've seen who shouts "WOW" out as well. Not that I have seen many people with Tourette's. If I was in the UK, I would be addicted to it.
4) and 5). Weather stuff. Typical.
6) England flags. Chavs. I saw a handful of Soccerroo ones here, that's all.
7) Honda ad. Fantastic advert. Loved it when I first saw it. Not sure why they had to put snow-capped mountains in the background at Iguacu. It's just jungle / rainforest. I guess that's what they call artistic licence.
8) WC Advert. I had heard about it but never seen it up until now. Brilliant. Genius. Amazing. I love football.
9) Sport Relief. Bloody hell Davinia is turning them out isn't she? I really like that advert, and yes, it is real. Allegedly. Shame the Ray Stubbs video isn't on You Tube. And as for Moyles, well through the joy of the internet, I occasionally catch his show, which starts over here at 4pm. It's great. Always makes me laugh.
10) Euro contestt. What did Terry W make of their performance? I can imagine him chuckling all the way through it. I don't miss that contest though. However, it was shown over here because some Aussie girl was singing for Germany, or something. I didn't watch it.
I'm glad you have found the brilliant You Tube website.
I was going to do my own blog about this, but it's not very Australian, and most people who read my blog may not have a clue what this is about, BUT YOU WILL.
THIS IS THE BEST MUSIC VIDEO EVER! Check it. What d'ya reckon?
Yes, well obviously I've got a lot of time on my hands at the moment too. Glad you liked it, and I hope you now feel fully back in the loop.
That video is quality. Especially the last minute - genius! The three-legged race had me chortling.
I'm glad you liked it Andy. I thought you would. Reckon Sam will love it as well.
I do feel back in the loop now, and it is reassuring to know that, and I refer back to point b), we haven't missed that much at all. Apart from the obvious of course.
Well, what an accolade Lozza, thanks. Not quite sure how I managed that to be honest, but if that's how it comes across then I can't complain, because obviously Bristol really is "kind of the best place in the World"!
'Ere...are you allowed to drive across the bridge these days, or is it still shut?
It's shut for Ashton Court festival weekend, but apart from that you're allowed to drive across it for 30p. Bargain.
Sadly, we also got the eurovision contest, on about 6 different channels, in french german and italian and english (some languages were twice!) and even more sadly we did watch it. Lordi were bound to win!
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