So, I thought this week I'd publish some pictures I've taken over recent weeks of the cranes and roadwork's for the redevelopment of Bristol city centre, which I regularly have to negotiate my way past on the way to and from work or uni. In fact, all of these photos were taken from my driving seat when waiting at a red light, which is probably highly illegal but I figure that as long as you scout for coppers first it's fine. In any case, there's only been one occasion that I've looked back after taking a photo to discover that there's 20 metres of empty road in front of me.
Right, well these first two were taken from the Old Market roundabout direction, after coming up through the underpass...
This one was taken on the new road that winds up to the M32, looking back towards town. In fact, I think that's the Holiday Inn on James Barton roundabout in the bottom right corner...
The next two were taken from the bottom of the M32. You can see the corner of Office World in the left of the second shot...
Finally, I managed to get these snaps yesterday morning on the way to hand in my essays. The first is from the Old Market roundabout looking towards Easton where the car park used to be, and the second is off the Counterslip road...
I was very chuffed with that last one, especially as I'd managed to take it while stuck in a traffic jam, as it would probably get some good reviews at an art display. I say that, because there's something about the curves and angles that are visually pleasing. No doubt the amount of parallel lines has something to do with that, but to be honest I've never really understood why that sort of arty shot always gets good acclaim at exhibitions, as I'd much rather look at the slightly unparallel lines of a row of trees any day of the week...
That's a random blog mate, I like it.
I'd forgotten all about the Bristol redevelopment. I hope you have taken lots of pictures of Broadmead as it is now as I want to see how they have improved it when it's all finished.
And that last piccy would probably win the Turner Prize, or it's photography equivalent.
Good work, so far as totally random blogs go, it's a winner.
hmm nice to see bristol centre looking so attractive these days! That was going on last time I was in bristol city centre which was at least a year ago I think!
I like your photos andy, you are a good photographer, maybe a better hobby than the poker?!
Yeah, good skills on the random factor!
When is it all due to finish then?
From the pictures I have seen, it should make it a much better place than what used to be there - one massive slab of 1960's concrete with chavs all over the place. Then again, I suppose they'll all be back.
Haha, of course they will be back!
Only just caught up with this blog. Isn't the ironwork of Bris totally awesome? Thanks for amazing pics. Mike's Ma
Ah... cranes... or urban giraffes as I like to call them in my slightly more pretentious moments. I seem to remember there's an Ella Magee original of cranes in the very room you wrote this blog from.
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