The Trials and Tribulations of Promotion
I never wanted to be a promoter. ('I wanted to be a Lumberjack, leaping from tree to tree').
It's a stressful business that involves a lot of time and effort, and even then there's no guarantee that it will pay off. ('Hardest game in the world, promotion. 50 years, man and boy').
I can't stop thinking of dodgy outdated comedy clichés. Obviously I can't take this promotion lark very seriously, even though I've invested money that I can't afford to invest, and it feels like all of my spare time over the last fortnight has been spent either organising the event, or promoting it online (including setting up a blog), or driving around Bristol whacking posters up.
I've moaned about the chore of postering before, but since then the Croft received a letter from the council threatening them with a £5000 fine because three different illegal posters had been retrieved advertising their venue.
We were one of them.
The Croft contacted me and told me that although they were very pleased that we were making an effort with our promotion, they couldn't afford to pay that sort of money, so they have asked us to sign a disclaimer to say that they knew nothing about our illegal postering. A few days later the council chappy actually paid them a visit, and they managed to persuade him that they had nothing to do with the posters. He was happy to drop the fine, but warned that any future recovery of illegal posters would incur a £75 fine per poster.
Bev and I decided that, seeing as we haven't signed their disclaimer yet, and we already had 150 posters printed and ready to put out for Friday's event, we would just carry on and hope that we can sweet-talk our way out of any fine, should it be imposed.

We've also vowed not to bother with illegal postering in the future (much to my relief), and have already compiled a substantial list of legal poster sites, such as pubs, newsagents and fast food outlets.
So, if all goes according to plan, Friday night's event will be rammed full of punters, I'll be able to pay myself back the money I couldn't afford to invest, and we'll hear nothing more from the nasty people at Bristol City Council.
The worst-case scenario, however, simply isn't worth thinking about.
Nice to see you venturing up the Wells Road for some postering Andy...that top one is about 1k from my mum's place!
Hope it all goes well though mate!
Good luck mate. I'm looking forward to the blog and you tube videos.
I have a couple of questions.
1) What happen to Tony Tony Tone's comment?
2) What made you choose that very camp new profile picture?
Yes, Andy... I was wondering about the campness, I have to say... but I'm also surprised that King of the Mince Jonny was the first to mention it...
Anyway, about the promoting etc. What I think is, it's a shame that the council are fussing over that. Posters, graffiti, all that stuff... it's nowhere near as offensive or ugly as all that paid-for advertising that we can't escape. I think the council should be saying 'fairplay to those people from Bristol for getting off their backsides to do their own thing and advertise it too. We wanna see more of that in our city'.
Yeah. As if.
Hope you get away with it... good luck.
Rich - I thought you'd appreciate that. I managed to stick a few up there on a visit to the new hospital on Callington Road by Tesco, the one you used to skateboard down the Wells Road to go to work.
Jonny - I had to start a new thread on Hijack as the link to my poster died on the old thread, for some reason. Feel free to go back on as 'tony tony tone' and make another comment. Cracking username, by the way.
As for the new profile picture, it was one Ben took in Egypt back at Easter, but I only just got hold of it and thought it was pure comedy. OK, it might be camp but it's clearly posed so I thought that made it funny.
Maybe not. I'll be changing it very soon...
So Ben takes it, and you look camp?
Good work.
"King of the Mince". I like it. Sydney hasn't been privvy to it yet. I'm saving myself for Mardi Gras, and maybe New Years Eve (so count yourself lucky Mikey).
More graffiti, more posters says I, Mike's Ma
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