Fireworks and Fog
I believe I have perfectly captured the moment that I last saw any hint of the sun...

Eleven minutes past five, last Thursday afternoon. Since then it's been pretty miserable, to say the least.
Saturday night brought the City's annual fireworks display at the Downs. I doubled up on socks and jackets, and made the journey up the hill to meet Rosie and Josh. Josh will be three in January, so it was probably the first time he's seen fireworks and been old enough to enjoy them.
Traditionally I ruin fireworks displays by spending the entire time trying to take the perfect fireworks photograph with a shockingly inadequate camera, and no tripod (obviously essential). I have learned from experience not to bother trying, especially as it means watching most of the display on a two-inch screen, which surely defeats the whole point of watching fireworks.
So this year, I filmed it instead.
Just so that you could watch the display on a two-inch screen...
I also managed to capture the Grand Finale. Obviously my slightly camp enthusiasm at the end was for Josh's sake, who you can hear going "wooooo" when the camera pans to blackness.
Of course Sunday night was the turn of every family in Bedminster to have their own private display, and every kid to try and find the slack shopkeepers who will sell them rockets, so that they can fire them at each other across the street.

Anyway, I mistakenly thought that it was nothing more than a post-fireworks fog that would clear by noon. I was wrong. It didn't clear all day. In fact it was still around this-morning, when I took these photos on my way into uni...

Yes, obviously my lecture didn't start until 9:47. Late? Me?
To be honest Simpson, I would feel pretty let down if you did actually make it to a lecture in time :-)
Pretty good vids though!
Good work Andy. And that first photo is an absolute beauty.
It's nice to see pictures of Autumn as well. We won't get anything like that over here which could take a bit of getting used to.
Winner photos. Autumn is nice, isn't it? Well, looking at it is. Feeling the cold isn't so good. What a nice walk to uni that must be.
About three years ago Mike's dad received for Fathers' Day from Mike and bro Dave one of those water pump guns to shoot at any cats that dare to enter our garden. To surprise the cats in this way is very rewarding, plus we keep the neighbours happy and wondering whatever we will get up to next! The cats are pretty wise to it now and scamper as soon as they see John! Can just imagine you in camoflage gear. Reckon youcould get an amazing sniper shot from your upstairs window! Mike's Ma
Thanks Mike's Ma, a great suggestion. I've found that they tend to scarper as soon as they hear my back door creaking open, which serves it's purpose but is nowhere near as rewarding as lobbing a cup of water over them. Perhaps a machine-gun from the bathroom window is the way forward.
A water machine gun, of course...
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