Yes it's really happening. My first release (Kubiks & Morph - Inflicted) is due out later this year! I spotted this earlier today on the Phunkfiction myspace...
Unfortunately I'm not allowed to post the track on here for obvious reasons, however I was allowed to put a two minute snippet on my myspace. Kubiks has basically re-written the entire beat and bass line for the release, but he kept in nearly all of my original sounds and I'm really pleased with the final collaboration. To use the label owner's words, "It's deep man."
Kubiks has apparently told the label owner that I would be a good asset for the future of the label. He explained that he had said this because I have good ideas.
"Good ideas make good tunes, the mix will come with time", he added.
Clearly I am really chuffed with the accolade, although I must admit that deep down I'm a little frustrated that I still have so much to learn about the overall art of production before I'll be able to make tunes strong enough for a solo release. The learning curve seems to have suddenly become very steep again, and I wish I had more time to devote to climbing it.
Below is a link to my reworked version of the original track, which is what Kubiks had helped me with during the two-hour studio session. Ironically I've had a couple of people saying that they prefer my version to the colab that's being released. Obviously they know nothing about drumnbass, but it's still nice!
Morph - Inflicted (Reworked) [06-2007].mp3
After a dissapointing 1st Birthday party for Breakout where just about everything that could go wrong, did, we've had some exciting news ahead of this month's event...

Venue magazine are running a feature about Breakout! Not only that, but by co-incidence an old mate of mine from Buoyancy (Luke) has been asked to write it, so I'm hoping it will be pretty favourable. I had to answer a load of questions for an interview, and we submitted the following picture to go with the article...

Obviously I couldn't resist sneaking the news of my first release into the interview!
Congratulations and commiserations.
I'm sure Luke will give you a good write up.
Congratulations mate. So you gonna get a few royalties as well?
I see the Rockers are playing the next Breakout. Didn't they used to be WWF wrestlers?
Am downloading that track now and will stick it on my very own 'Middle Room Productions' playlist on my IPOD.
So what happens from here? You keep churnin out the tunes and send them to Kubiks?
Yes, nice one Andy. As Jonny says...what's your cut on the record?
Jonny, I remember the bushwackers, and 'the rock', but not the rockers. Oh wait - was it that tag-team with one blonde and one brunette that specialised in high impact manoeuvres?
The preview is going in this week's venue, which i think is due out on Wednesday (in time for Friday's Breakout), but we've already been recommended in last week's issue (and got a nice little write-up in the club-listings section too). Things are looking good for Breakout!
It's not all about the money you know boys, but I am quite intrigued to know what I might end up with. Basically I take a direct cut from the online sales of my tune, and then 50% of the profit from the CD and Vinyl sales gets split between all the artists (label takes the other 50%). I have no idea whatsoever of even a ball-park figure, so I'm not expecting much from it in the hope that i'll be pleasantly surprised.
Yep, The Rockers were a tag team who specialised in mullets and jumping off the top jump whilst wearing tassles!
The kind of looked like Francis Rossi and Rick Parfitt from Status Quo.
Good luck with the cash.
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