Sunday, June 10, 2007

My 29th Birthday

Oh dear.

All of a sudden more than three weeks has passed since my last blog.

I'd like to blame this on being very busy, but I'd be lying. The truth is I've had more free time over the last 10 days than I've had for months, however I took full advantage by putting as much of that time as I could into finishing my latest tune.

In fact, you can listen to it by clicking this link, if you so desire.

It also seems that since everyone and their dog has signed up to facebook, the blog doesn't seem quite so 'important' anymore.

Plus which, I'm back on the poker!

Anyway, as if to emphasise the point about facebook taking over, here are the pics from my birthday bash which I've already posted on there. I would provide captions, only I really can't remember very much about the evening and so it's very hard for me to explain what on Earth is going on...

Well, at least it looks like I had a decent night out, I suppose!


At 6:19 am, Blogger Naomi said...

Happy Birthday me luverrrr.

Looks like you had a good'un, being 29 feels all wrong to me.

Take care,
love Naomi x

At 10:04 am, Blogger Jonny said...

Yeah, Facebook does seem to have taken over the world. It will be hard work putting loads of effort into both. I am going to try and keep the blog as my priority though, especially as I've put hours into the bloody thing.

Nice pictures mate, but old news! Cos of Facebook.

Good work with the token blog though. Happy Birthday mate, and yeah, it looked like a decent night out.

Will have a listen to the tune shortly....

At 12:09 pm, Blogger Jonny said...

Mate - that tune is beautiful. Got it on repeat as I do my own blog. You must be well chuffed of this one. It's one for the IPOD and the commute through Sydney I reckon.....

At 1:57 pm, Blogger Me said...

Oi oi. Love the tune. Crisp, fluid and melancholy. Nice.

At 9:07 am, Blogger Jonny said...

Special Gay?


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