Christmas Lights
Now I have to say that my street's effort this year was pathetic. Not a sparkly light in sight...
Apart of course from the neighbours, who didn't disappoint. It took me a good fortnight to pick my moment to take this shot though, waiting until all their curtains were drawn and upstairs lights turned off. After this incident, who can blame me?
The neighbour's effort was ok, but I knew I could find better if I ventured further afield. Perhaps Bristol City Council would come up with the goods...
That's a no, then.
Christmas came and went, and I still hadn't managed to get any decent snaps. I was growing frustrated, but still had hope. I knew that if I took the Gloucester Road route to my parents' house for a belated Christmas dinner last night, there was a good chance of finding some gems. I wasn't wrong...
Apologies for the blurriness of the photos. Obviously, taking a really decent shot would involve setting up a tripod in front of the house, which is probably not recommended on the boarders of Horfield, Filton and Southmead.
My parents' truly suburban street was very tastefully illuminated. It seems that the new craze for this season is to have flickery lights hanging from the drainpipes. Pretty much every house had them. One year, someone put up some candlelights in the front window, and within a week they were dotted all over the street.
Having said that, there was one house this year that had taken things just that little bit further. It wasn't my parent's house, by the way (who had flickery lights hanging from the drainpipes).
We have a winner!
Fantastic, gosh I really miss seeing big glowing tacky santas and enough coloured lights to power a small village, draped over one house-
I really do...
Good find Andy!
ahhhh... the chav-tastic christmas lights that only Bristol can offer.
Do you think people save up all year to pay their electricity bills after christmas?
I reckon Em; it's either christmas lights or a family holiday - and the lights win every time.
To be honest, I have seen far more impressive efforts around than I have managed to capture on this blog, but always where the effort involved in getting a photo was too great. I even drove out of my way on Christmas Day to photograph an incredible effort up in Filton, with giant inflatable characters all over the front garden and flashy lights on every space of wall. But there were a few kids playing outside so I continued down the road as if I had planned it (and then had to turn round and pass them again to come back out of the cul-de-sac!)
Set up the tripod next year, Andy. These people are obviously trying to draw attention to themselves...
So did you take one of the house in Filton? I guess not.
I should have taken some pictures of the lights, or lack of, here in Sydney, and you'll be surprised to read that I didn't. Next year I will.
Christmas here was a token effort. It's hot and sunny and no-one can really be bothered. Well H and Ella did wonders to our flat and we were up there with the best 'fairy lights round the balcony' display on the Pacific Coast.
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