It seems like just about every spare moment recently has been taken up with music and promotion. In the first month of setting up a
myspace, I've had two 'unsigned talent' online radio stations message me to ask for tunes,
one of which might be dropping an old dirty d'n'b tune of mine on their next webcast. Ironically, they didn't think much of my latest chilled efforts, so I pulled out an old chunky number, which I'm not very keen on, and they loved it. Each to their own.
The other request was from
'', specifically their 'downtime' show, which is definitely worth a listen. In fact it's a great website generally, for anyone who likes decent new music. I haven't actually got round to sending him anything yet, but his message said he liked the down tempo track on myspace, so I really should get round to it.
I've also sent my latest tune, 'Inflicted' to a newly formed
drum'n'bass label, after receiving a 'friend request' from them. I wasn't expecting them to love it and instantly sign it, although I did have my fingers and toes crossed. The guy said he loved the vocal and praised the 'groove', but said I needed to build it up a bit with some more incidental noises. Still, it was nice to get my first bit of direct feedback.
I've also been postering and
posting on forums for the next Breakout, of course, as well as uploading a
'Left Hand Skratch' mix (WARING - This link will upload the mix to your player!) onto the
Breakout myspace.
On top of that, I've been working on a new reggae influenced drum'n'bass tune, featuring one of my favourite King Tubby samples. In fact, I sent an early version of it to
Aries through msn.
Aries is the DJ who played at last month's breakout, who has made fame recently for writing reggae influenced drum'n'bass, so I was hoping for some good feedback. His response, was to send me a tune of his own, with the message - "Like the tune - check this out, also in progress - you'll laugh!".
Perhaps predictably, it contained exactly the same King Tubby sample. We did take very different approaches with it though, so I'm really going to try and get mine as strong as I can, and try to push for a b-side on his release! In fact, I've asked a trumpet player to come round and put some live parts down (and it already contains some live guitars).
Believe it or not, before you slate me for claiming that all of the above makes me 'busy', I have also been working Monday to Friday 9-5 on another placement. So there!
I have managed to take a few photos with the new camera though (and all without leaving the house)...
Firstly, the rain over the crematorium...
And this one was actually taken with my old camera a couple of months ago, but what a beauty!