Saturday, June 17, 2006

Breakout's return

Well, it wasn't without its problems. Firstly, I got far too drunk during the England game, which didn't really help when it came to the nightmare of sound checking, as Bev's laptop did not want to play audio through the sound system. Instead we all got more and more frustrated listening to the laptop's hard-drive hum through the speakers, and nothing else. Eventually we had to give up on the idea of doing our 'four channel scratch set', and I walked home to burn a CD that we could use on their CD deck, as we didn't have enough vinyl on its own either. Not to worry. We weren't due on the decks until 1am so there would be plenty of time, and plus which it gave me a much needed chance to sober up a bit.

When I returned soon after 11 everything seemed to be going well. 60 people had come through the door, and at least half of them were already bopping away on the dance floor. It was great to see Will making an appearance, and much respect to Chew Ali and Steve for also turning up on a school-night.

Unfortunately, the influx of people we had hoped for between 11 and 12 never materialised. In fact, only another ten people came in all night, which is a real shame because with a few more (well, maybe twice as many) it would have been an amazing night. Having said that, those that were there seemed to enjoy themselves, and they were all crying out for more at the end. Bev & I got loads of good feedback for out set too, even though it was nowhere near as good as it could have been with a working laptop. Potential badboy rocked (and he really was a nice guy).

On the whole then, it was a great night but unfortunately made quite a significant loss, which has obviously put it's long-term future in jeopardy. That will all depend on how we get on with our July event, which we have already arranged, so there's no backing out of it! We need 150 to turn up in July for us to break even again. Looks like Bev and I are going to have to come to terms with the fact that we need to spend our coming weekends standing outside of clubs and flyering. I really can't be arsed with all that any more though, that's the trouble. I just want to turn up and play to a packed room of adoring fans, without any of the hassle. One day...

While none of you will have heard of him, next month's artist, Benny Page, may be quite a coo in the drum'n'bass scene. We're the only people to bring him to Bristol, and his latest tune "turn down the lights" has been in the top five drum'n'bass 'rollers' for weeks. In fact, Bev & I dropped it last night, and it went down a treat. We're just hoping that enough people are liking this new, slightly alternative reggae drum'n'bass style as much as we are, and are willing to pay £4 on a Thursday night to come and see him. What do you reckon?


At 1:34 am, Blogger Me said...

You might get more people next time. I imagine that, a lot of people, like you, had too much to drink during the England game, so decided to go home early. There won't be any England games in July, so you should be fine.

Well, not in mid-July anyway.

Keep up the good work and enjoy flyering - at least it's not Winter!

At 5:28 am, Blogger Jonny said...

So no Stan then?

Good luck with it all Andy. I'm sure the flyering will be worth it if only to avoid owing a credit card lots of dosh. And of course the fact that you will have a room full of people loving you, like they used to do for Joe and Dave Onion after Mike had warmed up for them haha. If you get 150 people next time will that cover your losses from this night as well?

Oh, and some pictures would be great.

At 5:33 am, Blogger Jonny said...

Maybe you should bill it as a pre Ashton Court Festival party, like every other night that gets put on in July.....

....hang on, your night is 10 days before it. That idea may not work.

At 11:33 pm, Blogger Andy said...

Cheers for the words of encouragement guys. I think you're right Mike - the England game was probably more of a hinderance than a help. We had one group in there with England shirts on, and they got chucked out by the bouncers.

Yes Jonny, we need 150 to break even overall. No photos I'm afraid, forgot my camera :(

You're probably right H, but we've got twice as many posters printed for the next one one already, including some dayglo A1's, and we're gonna concentrate on exit flyering at big drum'n'bass nights, which we didn't bother doing for the last one. Probably a mistake, but I should have more time on my hands soon. Back to uni for next week for a 3-week module, and then 8 weeks off for summer. Woo hoo!

And yes H, you managed to irritate me from the other side of the World. Well done. Mind you, that isn't really hard, as the mere thought of you is enough to do that.

At 2:18 am, Blogger Jonny said...

Take your camera next time please.

At 9:52 am, Blogger Andy said...

Yes sir.

The only trouble with that is that my camera has a terrible flash, and it's really very dark down there. All of my photos will only have a range of about three yards. Still, better than nothing i suppose.

At 12:15 am, Blogger Jonny said...

Indeed it is. I look forward to some very grainy pictures then.

Can we have some pictures of you doing your left hand sKratch?


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