Sunday, June 04, 2006

My Birthday

Last Thursday, I turned 28. I woke in the late hours of the morning to see that I had missed a call from an unknown number, and been left a voicemail. I eagerly dialled 121, in anticipation of receiving a birthday greeting. Perhaps it was from a secret admirer, I pondered.

The message went something like this...

"Mr Simpson, this is DC Adams at Broadbury Road police station. I'm calling to inform you that we have recovered your stolen motor vehicle. Last night, it was involved in a high-speed chase from Nailsea to Bristol involving our helicopter, and three 'lads' were arrested at the scene."

Of course, that was far more likely. My old battered 1.1L automatic Ford Fiesta had been involved in a "high speed" chase. Obviously.

I should explain that I had reported it stolen to the police on the previous afternoon, after walking up and down my road two or three times, and even checking adjacent roads to look for it, even though I knew full well that I had parked it 10 metres from my house.

It turns out that the driver was a 13-year-old. There I was thinking that no one would nick an automatic.

I have to confess though, that despite never really liking that car very much (notice H & Kim that I am still refusing to call it 'Beverly'), I was secretly quite proud of it.

A little while later my Dad came to collect me, and I spent the afternoon of my birthday with the family, catching up with my Nephews.

Then, in a complete contrast, I spent the night at the Fez club watching DJ Hype rinsing out the drum'n'bass sounds, mainly because I could get in for free, and it gave Bevan and I a chance to flyer Breakout. You see, the irony for me of just starting up a drum'n'bass night, is that I can't really be arsed to go to drum'n'bass nights any more. Obviously, Breakout itself will be great though. Honest.

Anyway, I managed to take full advantage of my Thursday birthday, by having a second birthday celebration on Saturday night. Of course, it had to be, curry time...

Somehow, Kim, Luke & Helene all managed to avoid the camera, but it was a quality curry (good riddens H ;-) Mmmm...cumin.


At 3:42 am, Blogger Jonny said...

Nice to see you back on the blogs Andy. And you haven't disappointed either.

So does this mean you'll be getting another car handed down from your Gran? Won't it be the third Fiesta you have owned that smells of old people..and dolls?

Is that Chewie with a Rip Curl top on? Nice work....

As for the curry, well get this, H tried some Rogan Josh this weekend at a festival we went to and.....she liked it. So, we I have laid down the challenge with Will. We will go to a curry house and sample lots of dishes in the hope that H likes one of them. Maybe even a proper (as opposed to festival) Rogan Josh. And 'll be paying for her so she can't complain about wasting money. I can see a whole new social dynamic about to open on the Sydney scene....shame it's a few months too late for Bedmo (Why didn't we suggest it to her then?).

Happy Birthday by the way.

At 9:39 am, Blogger Me said...

Happy birthday Andy. Sorry to hear about your car. I guess 13 year olds haven't quite mastered stick shift gears yet. Still, that's quite an exciting thing to happen to your car, isn't it? Possibly more exciting than when Chewie had a tree land on his a few years ago.

At 10:53 am, Blogger Jonny said...

Oi, don't forget my car! Not only did a tree fall on it, but some git decided to bust my rear lights cos they couldn't afford to buy a £2 bulb for their own motor. Bristol Student (Clifton) rah rah tosspots.

And someone tried to ram me off the road in their own (presumably stolen) car.

But yeah, Chew's comment was a classic. "I think it's ok, it's just branches". The next morning we went out to see some kid kicking what was left of the window in, and the car was flat.

At 5:20 pm, Blogger Andy said...

Yes that voicemail from Chew was a classic. "There's a tree on my car, but I think it might be OK."

The next day it made the front page of the Bristol Evening Post. Completely flat, of course.

That's just bloody typical about H discovering that maybe she does like curry after all. Believe me Jonny, we made that suggestion to H many many times but she refused to even consider walking into an Indian restaurant. Apart from that one time when I insisted that I wanted Indian for my birthday, and in the end H came along and ate nothing, believing that "even the English dishes will taste of cumin".

We've had five years of bland chinese meals because of it, and now she decides that she might like curry. God damn!

At 7:59 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Andy, you didn't f*!king invite me!

Happy Birthday :-)

At 10:40 pm, Blogger Andy said...

Yes I did!

Check yer emails...

At 7:41 am, Blogger Jonny said...

Well lets not get ahead of ourselves here, I still think I have a real mission on my hands to get her into a curry house. But progress has been made.

I may suggest we go when she gets paid for the first time!

When it happens, it will be fully documented on the blog, that's for sure.

At 11:51 am, Blogger Me said...

I hadn't forgotten your car got crushed too, Jonny, but Chewie's will forever stick in the memory, as he had only just bought it and, as Andy says, it did make the front page of the local paper.

At 12:12 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aaah so thats when your birthday was, well Happy Birthday! Sounds like a lovely day, it was especially nice of the police to inform you of the adventures of your fiesta. That would make me laugh if it happend to me, in a kind of gutted sorted of way.

At 1:46 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to say that I don't really like curry that much either but mark makes me eat it. In fact, quite often when I go back to bristol for teaching job I come home, all tired and grumpy from National Express and he very thoughtfully makes me tea... but he keeps making curry. i am beginning to think he doesn't want me to come home and makes curry as a kind of deterent.

I did have the best curry though at Andy's bday and saw all your little eyes spying the sizzling dish that came my way!

thanks Andy for putting us on your blog twice now! we were beginning to think we weren't cool enough
; )

At 7:41 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, lovely evening mate, and another great photograph of me.. that crab masala was really hot! honest!

I do have a new rip curl top Jonny, is that good? am i cool?

And thanks guys for bringing up the 'tree' incident. And as for the 'comment', in my defense it was very dark, it was pouring down and i was terribly drunk! I loved that car though.. and i haven't parked under a tree since!

At 12:22 am, Blogger Jonny said...

And my car was also in that very picture on the front of the paper. I can't believe you can so easily forget my Mini.

At 12:24 am, Blogger Jonny said...

And I remember Mr Legge calling us the next day to say we were on the front page of the Evening Post.

Very drunk Chewie? And the rest...

What did you ask Nick Warren that night?

If I still had the article I'd take a photo of it and blog it, oh yes.

At 9:17 am, Blogger Me said...

I think I've got a copy somewhere. I'll let you know if I find it.

At 5:39 am, Blogger Jonny said...

Good luck - I remember throwing my copies away before I moved out here.

At 12:34 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.


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